Sunday, June 28, 2009


So, there are the events of yesterday:

3:40am I wake up after a night of terrible attempted sleep
3:45 shower
4:00 breakfast of oatmeal and chocolate almond milk, one rice cake
4:30 we decorate our arms with permanent markers
5:00 a stop at my apartment for pictures
5:05 we anxiously load up the car and zoom downtown, to the Westin where a vehicle supposedly waits to shuttle us to Tukwila, the start line
5:20 panic- the line is six blocks long
5:25 ATM
5:30 hail a cab
5:40 arrive in Tukwila after hopping the highway railing and walking the exit around the mile long standstill of shuttles and drop-off traffic
5:50 check our gear, pee
6:10 shiver in a half hour line to pee again, eat a bagel and peanut butter sandwich
6:45 head to start line
6:55 wait in corral
7:26 cross start line, walking, screaming and waving at the camera
9:43 Half Marathon
12:31pm Finish
12:50 vomit water and cytomax into a recycling bin
12:55 pick up gear
1:20 catch city bus home

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