Friday, November 13, 2009

The word is out

The first person to notice that I am engaged who wasn't in on the whole shenanagan in the first place is named Molly. She is four.

Today we sat eating a snack at the miniature tables the preschool seems full of. My hands were folded across my giant knees, towering above her eating surface.

"I just love your ring!" she told me, like we were sitting on stools at a cocktail bar already on our second round. "Oh, thanks," I responded, flattered but shy.

"Why are you wearing that?" she asked with sweet innocence. It's a social symbol she doesn't yet recognize and for some reason I was a tiny bit jealous. I thought for a minute about her question, then answered, "Because someone gave it to me." Which seemed to satisfy her, and then we talked about Halloween and she spooned applesauce into her mouth. I leaned my head out the doorway and pretended to order our third round.

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