Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kyrianne: growing

We are all more alive now. We are all more than we were. Somehow we are all reproduced, but not as duplicates, and not as the sum of our parts. She is Mom and Dad, but also Vicki and Brooke. She is Drew, of course, but all that is in Sarah and their brother is in her also. And I feel most profoundly that she is Shea, and yet Erin and I are new in her also. We have new toes, untouched by pavement or trails, teeth without cavities, hands that haven't been scraped or covered in mud, knees that haven't been skinned.

And yet, there is something 'other' about her also. Although she profoundly is the collection of all of us, she is also mysteriously profoundly herself. She will cry and it will make us smile. She will drift off to sleep in the afternoons while we are awake. She'll hunger, desire, be comforted, discover-- and they will be hers alone. And our doting witness will be the confirmation of the greatest of all miracles: she is unique!

We are more, we are multiplied, not just in quantity but in the space between us, which mystically links us all afresh: family again.


  1. Kristin --- you have such a way with words! What a profound way to describe your insight into how Kyrianne's birth links all of us.

  2. I feel bigger and better today. Because of baby k... but also, Kristin, because of you.
